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- 0 fort=0to20:geta$:next
- 10 poke53281,0
- 11 poke53280,11
- 15 v=53248
- 16 ifr=1then sys 49316:goto190
- 90 if r=1then190
- 100 l=l+1:if l=1thenload"multiplexor",8,1
- 110 ifl=2thenload"mc demo",8,1
- 111 ifl=3thenload"mover",8,1
- 115 fort=0to64:poke255*64+t,170:next
- 120 print"[147] to exit press fire button in demo"
- 130 print" press fire to continue"
- 140 ifpeek(56320)<>111then140
- 150 sys 16384+256+256
- 160 poke53248+21,0
- 170 print"[147]"
- 180 ifr=0thenr=1:load"sprites",8,1
- 190 fort=0to31step3:poke50240+t,14:next:fort=1to31step3:poke50240+t,10:next
- 191 fort=2to31step3:poke50240+t,12:next
- 192 poke53280,12:poke53281,0
- 195 v=53248:sys49316
- 196 poke16383,0
- 201 fort=0to31:poke50272+t,213+t:next
- 210 y=50:fort=0to3:ford=0to7:poke50176+d+t*8,30+d*24:poke50208+t*8+d,y:next
- 220 y=y+60:next
- 225 fort=0to31:poke50304+t,8:next
- 226 pokev+37,1:pokev+38,6
- 230 sys50688
- 240 fort=24to31:poke50208+t,255:poke50176+t,peek(50176+t)+50:next
- 250 remfort=8to31:poke50208+t,0:next
- 260 sys50688
- 261 goto618
- 270 x=0:y=0:sp=8:t=1:z$=" [157][157][157] [157][157][157] "
- 280 print" sprite x= [157][157][157][157]";peek(50176+sp)
- 290 print" sprite y= [157][157][157][157]";peek(50176+32+sp)
- 300 print" spr what= [157][157][157][157]";peek(50176+96+sp)
- 310 print" spr col = [157][157][157][157]";peek(50176+64+sp)
- 320 print" spr num = [157][157][157][157]";sp
- 321 print" step = [157][157][157][157]";s
- 330 geta$:ifa$=""then600
- 340 ifa$="+"thensp=sp+1:ifsp>24thensp=0
- 350 ifa$="-"thensp=sp-1:ifsp<0thensp=24
- 360 s=s+(a$="[138]")-(a$="[134]"):ifs<0thens=16
- 370 ifs>16thens=0
- 380 ifa$="o"thenpoke50176+sp+32,0
- 500 x=peek(50176+sp):y=peek(50176+sp+32)
- 510 x=x+((a$="z")*s)-((a$="x")*s)
- 520 y=y+((a$=";")*s)-((a$="/")*s)
- 530 ifx<0thenx=255
- 540 ifx>255thenx=0
- 545 ify=0then560
- 550 ify<30theny=255
- 560 ify>255theny=30
- 570 poke50176+sp,x:poke50176+sp+32,y
- 600 c=peek(50176+sp+64):poke50176+sp+64,c+1:sys50688:poke50176+sp+64,c
- 610 sys50688:goto280
- 618 data54, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 62, 86, 110, 102, 102, 126,126,150,130,154,106
- 619 data130, 0, 129, 174, 134, 80, 104, 128, 152, 176, 200, 224, 248
- 620 data84, 83, 32, 30, 30, 30, 0, 158, 211, 211,212,80,101,101,122, 122, 170, 170
- 630 data191, 191, 220, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
- 635 restore
- 640 fort=0to31:readf:poke50176+t,f:next
- 649 print"[147][151] press any key to load the menu "
- 650 fort=32to63:readf:poke50176+t,f:next:sys50688:d=-1
- 651 poke830,1
- 652 z=49312:x=49152+32:goto1000
- 655 sys820:geta$:ifa$<>""then660
- 656 next:d=-d:ifd=1thenpoke830,253:goto652
- 657 goto651
- 660 print"[147][151] press any key to load the menu "
- 661 poke830,254:poke823,0:poke832,0:fort=0to300
- 662 sys820:next
- 680 poke53248+21,0
- 690 s$="menu":load"rtu",8,1
- 1000 d=2:n=48:poke823,0:poke832,0
- 1001 fora=1to20:v=rnd(1)*40:w=int(rnd(1)*23)+1:poke1024+v+w*40,46
- 1002 poke55296+v+w*40,rnd(1)*15:next
- 1003 print"[155]a demo to show what can be done in basic"
- 1004 goto1040
- 1010 fort=0ton
- 1020 sys820:pokez+2,peek(x+16):pokez+1,peek(x+8):pokez,peek(x)
- 1021 ifpeek(197)<>64then661
- 1030 next:d=d+1:ifd>4thend=1
- 1040 ifd=4thenpoke830,253:n=49:poke823,0:poke832,0:goto1010
- 1050 ifd=2thenpoke830,1:n=49:poke823,0:poke832,0:goto1010
- 1060 ifd=3thenpoke823,32:poke832,32:poke830,253:n=13:goto1010
- 1070 ifd=1thenpoke823,32:poke832,32:poke830,1:n=13:goto1010
- 1080 goto1010